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Expedition 30a - Rarder's Account

In an improbable turn of events, we managed to persuade baron Grellus to buy off the sentient statue from him. Bone Keep, now managed by Andrella, has been mostly secured, sans the sprawling underground complex.

The statue was where we left it, still harbouring resentment towards me. Either way, the new elf somehow managed to persuade her to join us for a month?! We were quick to pen out our warpath across the Yeoldelands, and have without delay set out for a tomb of some cursed elf.

"Grace," as we've came to call the angelic marble hulk, seems to dislike our treacherous cleric and his horde way more than me. Still, better to keep an eye on positioning, as not to "accidentally" end up in Grace's path.

It turned out that cursed elven maiden had an affinity for water, as attested by her tomb immediately trying to drown Asher. We managed to explore three rooms before we decided to retreat to our camp outside.

Cursed riches await us.