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  1. Organizations

The Jeweled Fleets



The Jeweled Fleets (also known as the Jeweled Pirates) are bound to strike apprehension in all those they meet. They don't make it difficult to identify them; jewels are sown into their octopus banners, which sparkle under the Sun's glare. This is the sign of a pirate's life, that which plunders the wealth of the Far East by nefarious force, yet may deliver that same wealth to the less fortunate. To the pirates of the Jeweled Fleets, there is both brotherhood and honor among thieves. Self-interest is placed behind the whole interests their fellow crew. Even when their navies comprise of over a hundred ships (which they can) the spoils still ought to be distributed under encoded fairness.

A crew is bound to the captain's order. A captain is bound to the Fleet Lord's order. The Fleet Lords may convene at their Jeweled Council, usually to settle disputes and plan large operations in a "civilized" manner. The location of this council is secret and likely varies, for the seas are a vast place. The Jeweled Council may rule over the largest maritime empire in history, but they've also many enemies among the "landlubber" governments. No matter how respectable a pirate can get, they are still criminals. The same applies to the mercenaries, thieves, smugglers, racketeers, traffickers, contraband dealers, and other shady types associated with the Jeweled Fleets.

Membership with the Jeweled Fleets is famously all-inclusive, so long as one has grown their sea legs and can make themselves useful. Foreigners, mixed-bloods, natives, outcasts, criminals, explorers, scholars, peasants, nobles, priests, soldiers— all can choose to embrace the pirate's life.


  • Your crew is your family. Your fleet is your homeland. The Jeweled Fleets are your nation.
  • Honor among thieves, fairness among spoils.
  • Wealth is for everyone.


To promote honor and brotherhood among pirates, such that the needs of all are met. To stand united against the shackles of authoritarian government. To aid those unfairly bound to caste systems and poverty.



All characters that are members of this organization.