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  1. Locations

Shou Lung

Foreign Country

The Empire of Shou Lung is a massive country, located on the Kara-Tur mainland. It is ruled by a Dragon Emperor, head of an imperial dynasty of Ryuujin nobles that follow The Path of Honor. Most government functions in the country are handled by a tested bureaucracy.

Although the Shou have been conquerors in the past, the current state of Shou Lung is very non-militaristic. It is a scholarly nation, widely known for its prestigious universities, academics, and innovation. Staple devices such as the compass, paper, and gunpowder all trace their origin to Shou Lung.

Due to increased influence of foreign trading empires, the growing power of the Zhentarim within the country, and increased pirate attacks on its shores, Shou Lung has become too invested with its internal affairs. In short, its diplomatic and economic ties to the Realm of the Rising Sun have essentially been cut.