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  1. Characters

King Lionel Pendragon

King of Orchalannon, Count Redfenland, Great Steward of Calgar

His full style and title is: The most potent and excellent Prince Lionel Pendragon, of the line of Arthur Eld, Lord of Solsangre Keep, Count Redfen, King of Orchalannon by the Grace of Karna and Speed, Defender of the realm, and Great Steward of Cerentuin.

Lower ranks may only address him as ‘your highness’ or ‘my liege’. Court nobles may speak to the king in slightly more familiar terms; Prince Lionel or sire will suffice.

He has a golden crown which he hates to wear, gilt armor, and a practical leather doublet. Never far, his page carries a two-handed executioner’s sword of immense size. Most suppose it is a mere symbol of office.