1. Organizations

Government of Valenar


The Valaes Tairn consists of a league of individual warclans, not an organized legion. All Valenar elves owe fealty to the high king. Forty-five warclans roam Valenar. At any time, twenty of the warclans—the Host of Valenar— are under the direct command of the high king. Ten of these maintain order throughout the realm, while the rest engage in military operations dictated by the crown. A warclan’s service in the Host of Valenar lasts for ten years, after which a new warclan takes its place.

The other warclans are free to conduct military operations and raids as they see fit, though the high king can call upon them as he deems necessary. Many young elves leave Valenar for a decade or so in search of personal glory and adventure.

A warrior who performs a service for the high king may receive a title and a tract of land. However, the elves prefer to remain in constant motion, and few lords maintain a manor or keep.

Forge of War

The Valenar rarely engage in a direct charge, whether on foot or horseback. Only when facing a woefully weaker foe do they employ such straightforward tactics, hoping to clear the obstruction swiftly and move on to greater challenges.

Against larger military units, the Valenar make great use of stealth and mobility. They keep in constant motion, preventing the enemy from bringing large quantities of troops to bear against them. One Karrnathi general likened Valenar attacks against his army to the peeling of an apple. The elves circled the larger force in constant motion and random patterns, slicing troops off the edges like a rind. Every time the defenders formed for a counterattack, the elves scattered—sometimes for days—before returning to the fray.

Guerrilla warfare is perhaps the greatest Valenar tool; they use it against large forces, caravans, and nonmobile targets such as fortresses or towns. The elves strike from hiding, taking advantage of any cover or concealment the terrain might offer. Between their archers and their wizards, they can launch an assault from a distance, then move in under the cover of chaos and night.

The Valenar are patient. Unless circumstances dictate otherwise, they are willing to wait weeks or months for a victory that most combatants would try to achieve in days. When they lay siege, they do not attack the walls, but rather stalk the surrounding territory, slaughtering anyone who attempts to leave or—more important— anyone attempting to deliver supplies or intelligence. They pick off guards when they can, but otherwise are content to wait for the defenders to starve or to grow impatient and sally forth.

Perhaps the greatest secret to Valenar tactics—and victory—is that their concept of honor differs dramatically from that of many other races. Cunning is as prized as physical skill, and a victory against a superior foe is glorious no matter how it’s obtained. Ambush, surprise attack, deception, and sabotage are all perfectly viable techniques to these warrior elves. Indeed, if a band of ten defeats an army of one hundred, it makes little difference if the elves did so by meeting the enemies on the fi eld of battle, poisoning their food supplies, or silencing their sentries and killing the bulk of them in their sleep. Victory is victory.

Title Rank Equivalent Translation
Arilthael Private Crescent Blade
Iringael Corporal Blade of Fire
Thaliaen Sergeant Blooded Blade
Raethalast Lieutenant War-Leader or War Chief

All characters that are members of this organization.