Doldarun is known for courage, while Droranath is fearless. What’s the difference? A talespinner says that Doldarun is afraid, but even knowing that fear, chooses to stand their ground; in contrast, Droranath never sees any reason to be afraid to begin with. Droranath dwarves value confidence and optimism, and are certain that their strength can carry them through any challenge.

The Droranath dwarves value tradition, and their culture is the closest to the original Mror path before being conquered by Galifar. The Droranath never became miners; they are hunters, farmers, and above all, fierce warriors. Droranath youths have always trained with axe and hammer, long before Dol Udar made the practice common among the clans, and hide armor is standard fashion among the clan. Some Droranath develop the skills of the stealthy hunter, striking down enemies from afar, but most Droranath warriors prefer to look their enemy in the eye and to see their fear. Droranath warriors perfect a technique called tra dolhass—the battle cry—a wild howl as the warrior charges the enemy, summoning their adrenaline and fury. The Droranath love battle, and for centuries they have sold their services as mercenaries through House Deneith. The “Mror Howlers” are valued as shock troops and vanguard warriors. They are one of the smallest and poorest clans, in part due to their violent lifestyle and refusal to embrace many modern advances, but they continue to hold their lands.

Droranath has fought the Jhorash’tar orcs since the first days of exile. They accuse the orcs of countless atrocities, many of which may have indeed occurred—centuries in the past. Droranath talespinners insist the Jhorash’tar were responsible for the destruction of Noldrunhold, and now claim the orcs are in league with the horrors of the Realm Below. In addition to ongoing skirmishes between Droranath dwarves and the Jhorash’tar, this has led to a bitter feud between Droranath and the clans that support the Jhorash’tar—Toldorath and Tordannon.

The Droranath dwarves aren’t miners, and they haven’t opened paths to the Realm Below in their territory. However, Droranath mercenaries have served other clans, and brought back trophies from their battles. It’s Droranath tradition to claim the arms and armor of fallen foes, and the Droranath have no qualms about using symbiont weapons, though they don’t celebrate them as Soldorak and Narathun do.

Droranath characters are often outlanders or folk heroes, as they are always willing to take risks to help friends. Rangers and barbarians are sound choices for Droranath; rangers are usually hunters, while those who practice tra dolhass might be berserkers or ancestral guardians.

Source: Exploring Eberron

Droranath is a throwback to earlier times. Its warriors are temperamental and train to enhance their natural rage; naturally, the clan boasts a large number of barbarians. It battles the Jhorash’tar continuously, which puts it at odds with Toldorath and Tordannon. Droranath has a lesser concentration of natural resources than most other holds, but it contains enough to make it a decent power and a worthwhile ally. Droranath mercenaries command high prices throughout Khorvaire.

Source: Player's Guide to Eberron

During the Last War, Droranath was closest with Karrnath.

Source: The Forge of War