1. Characters

Darro ir'Lain

Lord, Second Warlord of the Realm, Commander of the Knights Arcane
NPC (Military)

Lord Darro is a bold warrior who has augmented his martial skill with considerable arcane power. He leads Aundair’s Knights Arcane and is captain among the order’s elite Knights Phantom, dragoons who ride steeds conjured with the Phantom Steed ritual. Darro’s ambition to retake a section of the Eldeen Reaches is well known, and he intends to reclaim Aundairian territory and harden the nation’s troops for the inevitable resurgence of war. He splits his time in Fairhaven between currying the queen’s favor and that of Prince Adal.

Eyes in the Woodlands: Through sympathetic intermediaries, Lord Darro hires willing mercenaries and patriots to enter the Eldeen Reaches. Those who take these missions might spy on fortifications and military targets, disrupt trade, foment dissent, destroy key resources, or even assassinate leaders. Lord Darro maintains deniability, taking only the most successful agents into his inner circle.

Source: Dungeon 170

Lord Darro (LN male human wizard 6/knight phantom 6) has been planning a campaign to reclaim part of The Eldeen Reaches. Specifically, his plans suggest that Aundair could take back the portion of the Reaches that stretches from the Wynarn River to Mossmantle and the start of the Towering Wood. Doing so would battle-harden the core of the Aundair army, including Darro’s own Knights Arcane, as well as gain them some new territory to expand into. A campaign in the northwest would not overly concern Breland, he believes, and while the people of Aundair could probably be more easily convinced to strike out to take back Thaliost, Darro isn’t ready to go up against Thrane at this point in time. If he can convince Adal to provide magical support to bolster the army, he’s sure he can sway Queen Aurala to approve the campaign when the time is right.

Source: Five Nations

Getting PCs involved

Lord Darro ir’Lain secretly prepares war plans for an invasion of the Eldeen Reaches. He’s been surreptitiously hiring bands of adventurers to go into the Reaches to reconnoiter and disrupt Eldeen activities. Lord Darro pays well; he has a vast personal fortune as well as the treasures seized by the Knights Arcane during the Last War.

A DC 15 Gather Information or Knowledge (local) check made in Fairhaven reveals that a noble aligned with Lord Darro, Count Tarnik ir’Weld, seeks adventurers and long-range scouts to slip across the border into the Eldeen Reaches. Tarnik can be found in Windshire Keep, on the Wynarn River. A meeting with the noble reveals that the adventurers can earn gold for fi nding a weakness in the Eldeen defenses west of the Wynarn River, as well as bringing back information on troop strength and movements in the area. If the PCs succeed on a mission for Count Tarnik, they get to appear before Lord Darro and are offered more lucrative—and dangerous—missions.