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Risia is known as the Plain of Ice, for that’s the vast majority of what’s found within it. Risia is defined by endless arctic wastes, and what appear to be mountains are just peaks of solid ice. But like Fernia, Risia’s appearance can be deceiving. Because it’s filled with glaciers and snow, many sages assume that this is its defining principle. But in Lamannia, there are also endless blizzards and majestic glaciers—ice in its natural state. By comparison, the core ideas that define Risia are isolation, stagnation, and preservation. The endless frozen plane isn’t about snow, it’s about the utter stillness, the empty and unchanging landscape. Risia is sparsely populated, because that’s the point of it; it’s bleak and lonely, a realm in which you could walk for days and never see another creature. Where a desert of sand can at least shift in the breeze, the frozen landscape of Risia is unchanging. Yet, unlike a stone plateau, it reflects a substance that could change at one point—but is now caught, frozen, stagnant.

Though this isolated and unchanging plane might not seem appealing to adventurers, it’s important to remember that the plane represents preservation—and ancient secrets forgotten for ages could be frozen within the ice. And while the realm itself is barren, it’s not completely deserted; over millennia, hardy creatures have come to Risia and settled in this desolate realm.