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A “disadvantage” is a problem or imperfection that renders you less capable than your attributes, advantages, and skills would indicate. In addition to the traits in this chapter, this includes anything with a negative point cost in Chapter 1: low Status, below-average Wealth, etc. You are probably wondering, “Why would I want to give my character disadvantages?” There are two good reasons:

  1. Each disadvantage has a negative cost in character points. Thus, disadvantages give you extra character points, which let you improve your character in other ways. But note that disadvantages limit you in proportion to their cost. Be sure to read the disadvantage description in full to know what you are getting into!
  2. An imperfection or two makes your character more interesting and realistic, and adds to the fun of roleplaying!

Some disadvantages call for a "Self Control" roll.  For this game, we've houseruled how Self Control works to make it a little simpler.  You can read about it in Secondary Characteristics.