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Ysolde is the Archfey of The Winter Court, thought to have been created sometime around the Beginning, though exactly by when or by what is unclear. They spend most of their time in The Winter Court, only leaving when required to by the Courts.

Also known as the Ice Maiden, Ysolde is primarily concerned with the formation of laws that she seems necessary with little concern for laws she sees as trivial. She spends much of her time presiding over courtly affairs, dismissing what she sees as unimportant cases and offering strict decisive verdicts to others. Despite her apparent impartiality, it has been noticed that her rulings tend to work more favourably towards those of her own Court. Similarly the laws she proposes often are most beneficial to her than to anyone else.

Ysolde is known for her skin made of snow, ice, and frost, which flawless covers where her eyes should be, with dark black lips and light black hair. Her small butterfly wings are made of sheer sheets of ice.

Ysolde may be chosen as a Warlock patron as an Archfey.