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Meeting Xan

The ceremony of the games started straight away with Oath swearing and the introduction of the Athletes. Braz used the opportunity to improve relationships with his host at the siren’s roost by advertising his patronage to the city.

There was, in general, a great disquiet among the athletes at the entry of the Praxian contingent, this was evidently a grave matter for some. 

The party were told of the range of events available to them - modern, ancient, solo and team. It was apparent that there would be the opportunity to enter many events and the prize of valuable jewellery was extremely appealing to Braz. He was also told of the ceremonial adornments many athletes wore and the opportunity to dress in costumed finery lit a fire inside him.

Back at the Roost it was a busy time. Calliope and Versi had some catching up to do (although Versi appeared unwilling to be seen in public with Calliope) and Versi promised a meeting with the party once she was able to secure a private location - the bathhouse at the Sirens roost appeared to do.

Xan and Braz shared a drink at the bar whilst discussing the plans that led them to Mytros - Xan’s story is hers to tell but it is full of adventure. 

The drinks flowed and the meeting with Versi approached.