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  1. Events

Apelefthérosi (the Freeing)

1 Thylion

Day dedicated to Thylea herself where oaths are renewed or forgiven in honour of the renewing of the year and Thylea’s power. Nobility/Royalty will hold ceremonies renewing their vassals’ oaths or gifting land and freedom to them, couples will re-swear their marriage vows or agree to end them etc. Midday is generally the grand large-scale oath ceremonies, the evening is dedicated to smaller loving groups renewing their faith in one another.

When the Dragonlord Calendar was introduced this day was taken to also celebrate the arrival of the Dragonlords not just being the first day of the year. This part is mainly celebrated among the settler races for obvious reasons. Children fly colourful yellow kites to symbolise the dragons all across Thylea and engage in kite running competitions.