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Versi is the daughter of Sydon and a Naiad named Delphea. She is a water nymph like her mother, but her father’s empyrean blood gave her the power of prophecy. She was born with a third eye at the centre of her forehead. She hides this with a golden diadem.

Versi has been known throughout Thylea as “the Oracle” since before the founding of Mytros. She prophesied the coming of the Dragonlords and the birth of the Five Gods. She was also instrumental in forging the Oath of Peace, as she negotiated the meeting between the Five Gods and the Titans. 

Versi has brought together the six heroes now known as the Oracle's Chosen in order to save Thylea from the almost-certain doom she has foreseen. Among this group are her own half-brother, Hippofilius, and her beloved, Calliope.