  1. Characters


This character is dead.

Mordenkai is an old man, with eyes growing cloudy, wispy white hair, and layers of wrinkles on his face. He was found wandering the streets of Sentra by some of Kennick's Solari and was taken to the Giving Hands for help. Once there, he asked to see Meriel Ravenstone.

Mordenkai claims to be several centuries old. He served in the Imperial infantry, but defected before the Battle of Byroad in 873 AE during the The Calamity. During that time, he knew Meriel's ancestor Orien Afar.

Mordenkai, along with his friend Harold, explored old ruins. It was around that time he encountered the Singers. He says that they were voices in his head, like layers of a chorus, that told him what to do. They called him a Listener: they prolonged his life, and gave him supernatural gifts. He does not remember what sort of things he was asked to do, and it doesn't seem that he wants to remember. He never saw the Singers, only heard their voices. He says they have since selected a new Listener, which freed him from their control. He has a sense that the new Listener is somewhere in the city.

It was Orien's magic that allowed him to find Meriel once Mordenkai was free of the Singers.


