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The BBCWR is the Brindlewood Bay Civil War Re-enactors. They meet on the 15th of each month on The Third Floor loft of the Candle Light Booksellers. They are primarily composed of older men, who argue about uniform verisimilitude over pots of coffee that they do not clean up. 

One of their biggest concerns is why there aren't more young people who want to join the BBCWR. They just don't get why a younger person wouldn't want to be part of an old boys club.

 The Murder Mavens and the Silhouette Swap book clubs are both completely baffled by Janet Flock allows them to keep meeting in her book store. The Silhouette Swap strongly believes that Janet is romantically entangled with one of the BBCWR officers. The Murder Mavens believe that the Silhouette Swap thinks that everything comes down to romance, and the reason must be something more mundane- like a long term contract.