1. Characters

John Ogwang

This character is dead.

The Captain of The Former Wreck of The Discovery, seasoned with experience on coastal trade ships.

He was slain by the Large Stone Man in a cave near The Discovery's landing.

Motivation: Drawn to this island for treasure and adventure, this expert captain paid his crew a weekly wage for their labors, much before the Deadly Cave claimed him.


He named the island after his lover, Rosemore.

Onboard the captain's chamber on The Discovery, art of his family ( Captain John Onwang's Family Portrait ) was discovered. 


Deep in the Deadly Cave, the late captain and his crew we found in the fog. The undead John was still in full gear, and was a force to be reckoned with. Tumbling through, parrying strikes, and stabbing with alacrity - the Captain nearly broke the exploring party. But the sight ( Captain John Onwang's Family Portrait ) of the family he'd never rejoin gave an opening just wide enough to sneak victory through.