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Maturity: 10
Middle Age:
Old Age:
Maximum Age:


Female Height: 290 to 330 centimeters
Male Height: 310 to 340 centimeters
Size: Large

Skin: Grey
Eyes: Black, Grey
Hair: White
Facial Structure: Angular and thin, thin lips and thick nose


Speed: 8m

Boons: -

Large: You gain the following abilities from being large:

  • Your Strength score and maximum increase by 2, and Dexterity score decreases by 2
  • Your reach increases by 1 meter
  • Your melee weapon attacks deal an additional 1d2 damage

LanguagesFull fluency in one human language of your choice, and 1/2 fluency in two others.

Boon Points: You start the game with 4 boon points.