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Transmutation cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 40 meters
Components: V, S, M (a short piece of copper wire)
Duration: 1 round

You point your finger toward a creature within range and whisper a message. The target (and only the target) hears the message and can reply in a whisper that only you can hear.

You can cast this spell through solid objects if you are familiar with the target and know it is beyond the barrier. Magical silence, 40 centimeters of stone, 2 centimeters of common metal, a millimeter of lead, or 1 meter of wood blocks the spell. The spell doesn’t have to follow a straight line and can travel freely around corners or through openings.


Spell Level
Casting Time
1 action
40 meters
V, S, M (a short piece of copper wire)
1 round