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The Vex Collective is an enigmatic network of time-travelling androids that seek to reshape the universe to unknown ends. Using vast networks of planet-sized computers to simulate all possible timelines, the Vex are seemingly omniscient — but there’s one thing they can’t simulate: your Light. Guardians shall make their own fate.

Known History

Little is known about the Vex’s origins, but they seem to hail from a strange place called the Black Garden, which is in an unknown point of space and time. During the Golden Age, human explorers uncovered Vex ruins on Venus that outdated humankind by billions of years.

During the time after the Collapse, the Vex arrived on the garden world of Mercury and converted it into a Machine World to house the greatest of their simulation engines, the Infinite Forest.

Many years ago a trio of guardians — Praedyth, Kabr, and Pahanin — descended into the Vault of Glass, a wound in time the Vex used as a weapons testing ground. None of them returned. It’s possible that others joined them, but the Vex weaponry within the Vault may have retroactively stopped them from ever existing in the first place, causing them to be forgotten entirely.