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The Dreadnaught is a massive Hive spaceship that served as the fortress of Oryx, the Taken King, who came to the Solar System to enact his revenge against the Guardians for killing his son. Accompanied by a fleet of Hive warships, the Dreadnaught entered into orbit around Saturn after having been stalled by the Awoken, and stayed there for the rest of the Taken War, where it remains to this day.

The inside of the Dreadnaught is vast and dangerous. Reports indicate the ship is host to numerous biomes hostile to all life except the Hive and the Taken. Sacrificial stones entombed with the souls of lesser Hive dot this unholy place in strange nooks and crannies while prisons to torture the Hive’s captives are found deeper inside. This ancient ship contains the treasures of a thousand conquests — but few who set foot in its halls ever return.