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  1. Quests

The Order of the Dawn


Keedin was requested by ''The Doll'' Ophelia D'Vespere, to write his songs down after he sings them. So he did, and this is where he keeps them.

A book on torture, written by the renown torture professional Wú Tuu Hǎi Dīng.

This is Jeff McCallister's Diary, a former Veil Guard from the Crib. The diary was retrieved from the Crib.

A message from the angels Hala and Levant as witnessed by some of the party members.

It seems like the owner of this journal worked for the Veil Cult.

A note written by Cassie, the alleged High Priestess of the Veil, to the Maw.

The Longest Road


A prophecy for Elena Hastings and Kay Ogerstan.



A prophecy heard at the end of Ekaterina (Katarina)'s special Tarokka reading.

The Maw's Ritual

Ritual Notes

The Maw's notes on a ritual to recreate Driders. Al; attempts have failed. The journal was found in the Maw's room, within the Crib.