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Igor Fizzlebang is an eccentric inventor originating from Hundlestone. Like all rock gnomes, he is a gifted tinkerer, but he showed great promise and intelligence at an early age.  At a young age he began studying Wizardry in the Artificer tradition and became known for his wacky inventions.  He earned a living creating standard magical items, but his true passion lies in tinkering and inventing.  He purchased some land in the middle of nowhere, nestled into some mountainous forests, and turned it into his lab, which he called Tinkerton. 

Today the estate of Tinkerton is a bustling town with its own economy.  When not dealing with boring Lord Mayoral duties, Igor spends his days hosting extravagant events like dungeon puzzles, murder mystery parties, and carnivals for the Hawthorne adventurers that he invites to town.  He is a bit eccentric but mostly harmless, only looking to test his new inventions and have a bit of fun.