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  1. Characters

Razodon Goswin

Rakshasa Philanthropist

Razodon Goswin is a prominent political figure in Madrioc, a self-proclaimed philanthropist, and owner apparent of the Westwind Trade Company. He adopts the form of a somewhat regal-looking human, but is in actuality a rakshasa, a tiger-like demon from the lower planes. Regardless, he seems to keep the best interests of the city in mind, even if it requires going around the backs of the Circle of Merchants

While many of his motives and goals remain unclear, he has been one of the most consistent allies for the adventuring group the Peas.


Razodon is neatly dressed, wearing obviously expensive but still tasteful silver and black robes. While his green eyes seem to never waver from their scowled, serious gaze, Razodon always seems to wear a large smile. He tends to gesticulate with an air of importance surrounding each and every movement, as if every action he takes is calculated. He appears very well off.

As a rakshasa, Razodon holds a similar air of poise and regality, dressing in fine clothes and speaking in a deep, raspy but eloquent voice. His fur is neatly groomed and is a brilliant orange with black stripes. His paw-like hands are backwards.

Razodon is a pragmatist, and seems to prefer logical, straightforward solutions over other options, as evidenced by his plotting against the wishes of the Circle of Merchants. Razodon has a calm demeanor, and speaks with a warm smile.

Skills and Abilities

Razodon appears to have a substantial amount of money, likely stemming from him being the proprietor of the Westwind Trade Company.

Magically Gifted

Razodon mentioned he studied under Renbedar Uleshanfor a time. Deowyn Centhos mentioned that he was gifted in illusory magics. He has shown himself to be capable of casting a number of powerful spells at high levels, including Fireball, but can cast more demonic spells as well, such as summoning a mass of rib-like bones to hold Mardyth down and torture him.


At some point, Razodon either founded or became the proprietor of the Westwind Trade Company, and studied magic at some point under Renbedar Uleshan. While magic is often innate for rakshasas, Razodon might have used this time to deepen his understanding and increase his power.

Razodon has stated that his generous donations and personal work have helped the city of Madrioc flourish, despite its location working against it in many way. Razodon is well known amongst the members of the community for having funded the Mad King's Festival for many years now.

Razodon officially met with the Peas for the first time after their victory in the 329th Mad King's Festival, giving them a certificate and their prize, Phasta's Intuition. In truth, the party had met him previously in the sewers under the Curtain in Madrioc in the form of a rakshasa, watching over his brother as he gorged himself on rats. Soon after the tournament, Razodon approached the group to extend a business offer to the group, asking them to take the Sallow Stone from the Circle of Merchants, and deliver it to the Council of Dreamers in Sanaris. He supplied the group with a special medallion that would provide them access to the Estates in northern Madrioc to visit his manor.

Meeting Razodon in his manor, the Peas discussed the presence of Yyk Sen at the tournament, as well as matters regarding the Sallow Stone. The group accepted Razodon's request to deliver the stone to Deowyn Centhos, and he provided the group with a magical chest containing their reward. Before leaving his manor, the party mentioned their altercation with Hjesta, and for a split second, Phaelnah noticed Razodon's eye twitch. This completely convinced Grognock that Razodon was a rakshasa. The group later met up with Razodon in an underground hideout alongside Renbedar, and he provided them with the stone. He also called in a favor to have Grognock removed from jail.

When the Peas reached Hymathel and delivered the stone to Deowyn, the magic chest opened. However, the chest was empty save for a magic message from Razodon to Deowyn asking him to hold up the bargain to the party, citing a favor the elf owed him.

The Peas eventually discovered that the Roomy Chest Razodon had given them had a secret magic door that led beck to his manor's cellar when Mardyth busted through it in order to escape. Mardyth killed a number of people in a rampage in Razodon's mansion, including his brother, prompting Razodon to track the rogue with a burning fury. Razodon bargained with the Peas that he would offer his considerable resources towards tracking the rogue, but that he should be the one to finally kill him for good. Razodon later seized the opportunity to do so outside the Tomb of Zelvass, tearing into the rogue's mortal body in the form of a rakshasa, finally revealing his nature to the party. Razodon parted amicably with the Peas afterwards, expressing interest in working with them again.

The Peas began using the door to Razodon's cellar extensively, and while Razodon expressed minor annoyance about this on a few occasions, he did not ever bar its use. On multiple occasions he took care of the random people the Peas sent through the chest, feeding them and giving them rooms to stay in.

Razodon was present at a meeting of the leaders of Madrioc, pledging his support to Sanguinity for taking the offensive against Zahast. When the meeting was besieged by undead, Razodon began using his considerable magic power to help defend the guests, putting himself in peril to protect others. Razodon allowed the use of his cellar door to transport a number of Madrioc Commission soldiers to man the walls of the Grimhold Keep following Zahast's defeat, potentially saving the lives of the Peas, or at least a lot of trouble.