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Recent History: The short lived Empire was led by the Great Scaled One, the largest known Dracolich in history, who united the Dracoliches under his 73-year reign as their God-King. His entire reign was spent waging war against the lesser scaled beasts of the Southlands in order to establish his Godhood and obtain sacrifices for his race to consume. This war secured the vital Dracolich breeding areas surrounding the Sacred Pool site and large hunting territory necessary to support their population.

Dragon Wars: The Dracoliches fought a brief war against the combined true dragons, driving them from their mountain homes which they in turn occupied. While this actually happened in 2A 2, some 899 years before the actual founding of their Empire, it is important to note here as it ultimately set the events in motion that led to its creation. 

Lizard War: The most prominent series of events in the short history of the Dracolich Empire, the war was waged across the Southlands in two campaigns. The first, the conquest of the Lizardfolk and the enforced worship of the Dracoliches, causing the official founding of the Dracolich Empire in 2A 901. 

The second campaign, a brutal counterattack by the new specially bred Crocodilids which defeated, then scattered the Dracolich army, before driving the Dracolich population from their mountain homes between 2A 974 and 2A 976. This campaign led to the destruction of the Empire and the death of the Great Scaled One during the Second Battle of Sacred Pool, during which he continued to protest his Godhood even as he was torn apart by the Crocodilids. His skull is currently kept in the Great Hall at Sacred Pool, hung on the wall above the throne. 

Re-Emergence: Under the Imperial Colony of Ska'Kil, the Lord Paladin united the Dracolichs under the Imperial army. Using his powers as Emperor, he accepted their race into the Empire. The official withdrawal of the agreement of Dracolich citizenship in the Empire is still being debated by the Council of Governors. 

Landscape: The volcanoes in the empire were a source of Brimstone and remain the largest source of Obsidian. They continue to serve as Lava Baths for visiting dragon historians.

Culture: Dracolich life began at the Dracolich Nesting Site where matriarchs lays her eggs.