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Saint Fatima's Day


Saint Fatima's Day is a major Catfolk holiday celebrating their most prominent saint, the titular Saint Fatima. Saint Fatima was a Expansion Lesser Catfolk who was the jester for King Virion I, and died because she would not betray her faith or her King to those who wished to destroy both. Following her death, her voice supposedly spoke to the King in a dream, telling him to show those who wished ill upon him mercy as death did not make them learn. Several churches now recognise her as the patron saint of entertainers, jesters and performers of all kinds, and she is understandably a very popular figure amongst her own people.

The Saint's day is celebrated worldwide amongst Catfolk communities, usually with a communal dinner. The day is usually spent with friends or family and in reflection of the things one should be thankful for in their lives. This is in deliberate contrast to the immediately following and more jovial Feast of Fools, which rather than honouring the saint herself as this day does honours and celebrates what she did in life.