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Some Scions never take the expected route, but see and take the unexpected path out of a problem. Tricksters succeed by breaking conventions, solving situations with cleverness, flouting society’s rules, and often tricking others into going along with it. They survive by their wits, empowered by transgression. Some pantheons (especially those led by Leaders or Judges) dislike Tricksters for flouting heavenly law; others take a more pragmatic view and use them as problem-solvers and tests of their ideals, the exceptions that prove the rules. A Trickster’s schemes can sometimes cause more problems than they solve — more than one Trickster God is Legendary for leaping from frying pan to fire and dragging others in their wake.

Skills: Culture, Persuasion, Subterfuge

Example Keywords: Transgression, subversive, antinomian, devil’s advocate, cunning, liar, disguise, rascal, wit, chaos, criminal

Fatebinding Roles: Boon Companion, Nemesis, Traitor

Example Gods: Aset, Set, Parvati, Vishnu, Èshù Elègbará, Ìbejì, Morèmi, Chang’e, Laozi, Nezha, Sun Wukong, Susano-Ō, Ama-no-Uzume, Ebisu, Aengus theMac Óg, Brigid, Donn, Manannán, Hephaestus, Hermes, Zeus, Pukawiss, Nana’b’oozoo, Tawiscara, Odin, Loki

Failure Deeds: Get caught in your own trick, cause collateral damage, be outsmarted

Adoption Deeds: Trick the bad guy into topping themselves, escape an inescapable situation, make another Scion act against their own interests but add to their Legend in doing so.