1. Journals

Legend Two: Session 24

Session Summary

Caoimhe Whelan was brought up to speed by her fellow bandmembers of Styx and Stones. In it she was told that Hercules had finished a second task by dealing with a birdemic in a town. He challenged Caoihme to a battle of wrestling a beast of massive nature and told her to essentially come to Wyld Coyote's Rest. There, she would meet Wiley Parrish who was currently holding Hercules at gunpoint, trying to keep him from entering the pasture where two Bulls were having a bit of an issue. They were larger, inherently and became Nemean in nature. Violence was imminent.

As Johnny arrived on the scene, Hercules suggested that they make it a competition. Whoever defeats their Nemean Bull first will win the credit for the deed. If Caoihme wins, Hercules will put off his attempt towards godhood to another lifetime. If Hercules wins, then Caoihme would have to accept he'd use her as his deed on kidnapping Cerberus. Johnny suggested a staring contest instead and have the winner of the staring contest determine how they would place this game. Technically, Hercules won the staring contest but Johnny gaslit him into believing he didn't. This gave Caoihme the opportunity to throw the opening punch, ignoring the request to play a game and instead went for the direct option of kicking Hercules' ass. This doesn't change the fact that two Nemean bulls are about ready to cause some serious problems but...we'll worry about that next session.

At the same time, Ao Jae was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He did not want to face Sydney Solberg in battle. They fought briefly in a round and Sydney was later convinced that she should stop this fight and stop working for Amaterasu-Omikami. She agrees it is an option but she wanted to abandon the quest to become a god. Jae manages to convince her otherwise but Sydney still did not want to hold onto anything tying her to Amaterasu. She throws her relic away into the ocean as hard as she could.

A hand stops it from falling into the ocean, sticking out from the water. Who is it we wonder?