Johnny's relic given to them by Loki. Loki plucked Johnny's eye from his skull with his hands to replace them with the Eye of Mayhem. When looking through it, the eye of mayhem can see every potential event happening at once. It is very disorientating. 


Rating: ⚪⚪⚪⚪

Deed: Visitation.

Purviews: Chaos

Motif: "Gazing into the eye twists & shifts reality, slowly melting the mind."


  • By imbuing the wayang with a Legend point for up to a scene, the Scion may create shadow figures that rise from the surface on which they’re projected to become featureless physical beings. These figures are trivial characters and can perform only physical tasks, with dice pools equal to the Scion’s Legend x 2. It takes a simple action to create one wayang figure, and the Hero may have up to Legend x 2 figures at a time.

Overwhelming Chaos

No Masters

Blinding Glory

Mind Games


  • The user must lift their eyepatch to activate the relic which takes an action.
  • Once per arc, relic's divine patron requires a favor; gain the Paying Tribute condition.