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The Yoranta Dynasty is the Sector you reside in. The Yoranata Family is somewhat of a non-interventionist in terms of inter-sub-sectoral affairs, with the exception of enforcing their Policies that maintain broader peace in trade. However some of their policies also does guarantee some other basic sapient right.

Right to Speech & Information

Every Citizen of the Yoranta Dynasty has the right to criticize and vocalize opinion of any person, topic, institution, practice, action or Sectoral (and below) law.

Tithe rates & Collection

All tithes are collected at a planetary level, 10%of the Gross domestic output of all colonies (adjusted for each planet for population and technology levels). All stellar and Interstellar companies must pay a 5% tithe of all surplus.


Any act with the intention of betraying the Yoranta Dynasty is punishable by imprisonment until an appeal board deems you to no longer be a threat to the Dynasty, or death (depending on the severity of Treason).

Interstellar Terrorism/Piracy

Interstellar Piracy will result in being Impressed into the service of the Sectoral Navy, or an appropriate sentencing to forced labor. Interstellar Terrorism is punishable with permanent detention.

Humane Research Law

Under no pretense are non-consenting persons be permitted to be tested on for any reason, regardless of nature or intention. Any research done involving Psions at a sub-sectoral level without approval by the Yoranata ministry of Psionics must seek approval before doing so. Failure to obtain approval will result in confiscation of research materials, academic disqualification and potential imprisonment.

Psionic Regulation and Practice

Anyone with an active Psionic ability must be on the Yoranta Dynasty Psionic registry. If a Psion does not wish to engage with their psionic ability they will be prescribed psionic-suppressing medication by a Psiontologist. Any Psion wishing to engage with their active Psionic ability must attend a mandatory 2 year Psionic training course. Any Psion refusing to cooperate with these laws will be reported to the Imperial Office of Intelligence, Psionic Division.

Maximum and Minimum Sectoral Sentencing

The maximum sentence anyone person can receive for a sub-sectoral crime is indefinite detention. Minimum Sentencing for any crime is forbade.

Ship Transponder

All ships must have an active and broadcasting transponder during operation. Transponders allow debtors/banks to track how many Credits ship's account has/owes. Tampering with a Transponder is a serious offence.

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Leaders: Head Of Operations; Scrol Neengroil (Sathelak)

Goals: Identification, policing, monitoring and R&D of Psions in the Imperium.

Enemies: 7 Eyes Organization, Lady Patron Oracle (Locally well known Religious group)

Allies: Imperium, all non-separatist governments. 

Resources: The sectoral branch has a Billion Credit Budget. This branch employs 200+ Psion regulators, 100,000+ Employees. 46% are Human, 23% are Sathelak, 14% are Fermian, 14% are misc minor species, 3% are Ogryn.

The Branch possesses 12 specialist ships that fills multiple functions including, Psionic power training and self control, Psion offender detention, Psionic treatment specialists, Psionic tech R&D. Each Ship is 400 ship Tones (Twice the size of the Theseus).

Psion Grading System

The Psion grading system is a linear grading system to classify psionic potential of any organism.

Rho; Rho class is a baseline, where there is no Psionic potential manifesting. That is to say that the person is not capable (with training) of using Psionics.

Lambda; Lambda class refers to a person with Psionic potential that manifests unconsciously. These manifestations happen when the organism or person is in a high stress or life threatening situation. Such manifestations are rationalized by the Psion and witnesses as 'good luck'. The Psion has no control over the manifestation. 

Theta; A Theta class Psion have conscious and moderate control over their Psionic ability. However, the caster runs the risk of loosing control and forfeiting the effect of the manifestation to their impulses; this can and has lead to catastrophic results in urban centres.

Zeta; Very high and far less-impulse driven control of the Psion's ability. Spontaneous Manifestation of these powers without medication or training requires immediate Psion Regulator response.

Gamma; A Gamma class Psion occurs (according to Yoranta sector statistics), one in every billion people. A Gamma Class are trained and employed as Psion Regulators for the Office of Intelligence. A Gamma class Psion exhibit complete control over their ability with the assistance of a Regulation device, Gamma class Psions have multiple fields of Psion abilities, all typically have telepathy to help subduing un-cooperative Psions they are tasked with 'regulating'.

Beta; Beta Class Psions is the biologically-hypothetical limit for a Psion, without the assistances of implantation or technology. There have only been three recorded cases across the Imperium of a Beta Class Psion. All cases required multiple Psion regulators, operating with bionic-psionic enhancements, to subdue. In one of the three cases, a skip gate was opened to the parent star in order to neutralize the Psion. 

Omega; There are no recorded cases of a Omega Class Psion, as it is a purely hypothetical classification. Such a Psion would require a Beta class Psion with multiple Psionic-bionic enhancements whose weight would immobilize them. Such a Psion could split battleships in half on a whim and twist a persons mind into an entirely new identity at will. The universe has blissfully never seen such a threat.

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Races - Entity list

ED-GAMING 8 months ago
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ED-GAMING 7 months ago
ED-GAMING 1 year ago
ED-GAMING 1 year ago
ED-GAMING 11 months ago
ED-GAMING 6 months ago
ED-GAMING 11 months ago
ED-GAMING 1 year ago

Leaders: Director 'Waning Cold Season'

Objective: Collection and Distribution of Tithe on a Inter-sectoral scale

The Department of Tithe Collection is charged with the collection and re-distribution of Tithe across the Imperium. Utilizing 5 Super-Stations that use Archeotech drives to instantly move across the universe. Each ship capable of hauling 10s of thousands of tons of Cargo at a time. The Tithe collection department is the single largest scale cargo delivery organization in the galaxy.

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UWP: 1976927-C

Population: 9 billion

Trade Tags: Hi, Ht, In

Description: Polaris 4 is the capitol world of the Polaris system, with a population of 9 Billion people, the planets Industry and Ecosphere has been carefully managed by the newest and longest to date Lord of the plane, Lord Dallin Dawn. The planet's industry specializes in industrial machinery, construction, military robotics and vehicles, supplying a 'relatively' large portion of the sectors industrial equipment. They also export a lot of academic heads in Civil Engineering and planetary management. They are currently suffering from a lack of culture and arts, and also nurses and doctors.

Polaris 4 is administrated by Lord Dallin Dorn and the democratically elected house of representatives.

Polaris-4 produces;

Plasteel: A plastic-steel composite fabric which is cured using specific resins to modify its properties from complete stiffness to fabric like malleability for amour materials.

Rock Crete: A special cement mix that removes all air pockets by the mix over time reacting to its own components, getting stronger with age. Up to a maximum of 5000psi over 1 month of curing. The material is mixed in silo and dispensed by tubing, as the dry mix uses fibers and powders that are so fine air supplying respirators are required to work with it. Rockcrete rubble can be used as a extremely durable and effective filler, however given Rockcrete's performance it is extremely rare.

Steel Foam: A quick acting, steel strength expanding foam, used for sealing hull breaches and patching armor punctures in vehicles.

Pre Fab'ed Slab structures: Pre Fabricated slabs of concrete, rockcrete re-enforced with steel or sometimes super dense alloy for bunker slabs. The slabs are bonded with rockcrete to act as a glue. These structures are quick and easy to assemble for long term, ugly, homes, frontier outposts, bunkers ect. Though exterior decorative materials may be used to improve the look.

Robotics: Labor, combat and mic robotics are produced on Polaris 4

Vehicles: Heavy duty vehicles for industrial, civilian and military purpose alike are produced here, usually with a decent covering of armor. 

Weapons: chemically projected kinetic weapons and ammo are produced here, along with artillery, cannons, missiles and explosives

Armor: Combat armor is produced here for military, PMC and civilian use. Additionally vehicle armor is produced here for their vehicle production.

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