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Star City connects to the eastern seaboard of the United States of America via an amazing bridge, also built by the Outsider. Christened the Sea Bridge, this miraculous two-mile span has weathered powerful Atlantic currents, high winds, and even two super-powered terrorist attacks.

The Sea Bridge supports seven lanes of traffic: three going toward the city and three going away. The bridge lands at Westpoint, funneling traffic north or south to Uptown and Downtown respectively.

Engineers are converting the seventh lane into a mag-lev line that runs from Providence (Rhode Island), to the Sea Bridge and on to Star City.

A bustling ferry industry has also grown up around Star City, shuttling cars and pedestrians across the two-mile stretch of ocean to Star City’s Westpoint receiving station. More than a dozen ferries from two competing companies serve better than 50,000 cars and pedestrians per day.