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The church's primary belief is to hold most holy the ideals of beauty and life, not to follow any one god. The ultimate embodiment of these ideals is the Source of Creation, raw energy that has infused all living beings across the planes of existence. A life dedicated to these ideals will be rewarded upon death as the Source of Creation takes back the individual's soul into the primordial soup to be reshaped and reborn as life anew. A soul that is not deemed worthy is cast away to become a demon, ghost, or some other affront to the sanctity of life.

Magic is considered an abomination that perverts all beings, functioning by twisting what the church holds most holy. While the church has always spoken against the destructive nature and damnation that the use of magic or magical items will bring, recently the church has actively crusaded against the use of magic going as far as destroying powerful ancient artifacts and putting magic users to death.

All characters that are members of this organization.