The Feywild responds to unfettered emotion. It's not uncommon for flowers to turn and tremble if there's a heated argument nearby. If someone is filled with malice, their footprints might wither the grass under their feet or cause underground insects and worms to burrow to the surface. Birds chirp merrily in the presence of those who are joyous and squawk angrily at those who are perpetually dour. Nosy trees lean in to overhear whispers of conspiracy, eager for delicious tidbits they can gossip about later, and a rock might reshape itself to look like the creature that's happily sunning itself on the rock's surface. Time and distance in the Feywild are mutable, as is the plane's geography. Roads are uncommon, and those that exist are as likely to change as the land around them. Because the distance between locations is not fixed and dilations in time are commonplace, a journey that took one hour yesterday might take three days tomorrow. Feywild natives are accustomed to the plane's mutability. For them, it's no more peculiar than the sun rising and setting on a Material Plane world. Other features of the Feywild are described in the sections that follow. Think of them as a sampling of what the Feywild has to offer, for like the Material Plane, the Feywild is vast and diverse.

The Feywild, also known as the plane of Faerie, existed as an "echo" of the Prime Material Plane. It was from here that the fey originated, giving the Feywild its name, and it was also a place of unusually potent magic.

The Feywild bears untamed expanses of rugged forests full of towering trees lush with leaves. Perfect prairies carpeting the regions between pristine mountain peaks soaring into flawless clouds. Emerald, turquoise and jade green seas crash across never-ending beaches. The skies are lit by the twilight of a sun that neither rises nor sets allowing the stars to peek from far away. When storms roll through the lands coal-dark raging leviathans riling up the winds and torrential rains cover the lands. In this world, arcane power thrums through every tree and rock. All existence is magical.

The creatures that inhabit this world are the fey and come in many forms. Most of the fey were created on this plane by deities or were formed as an echo of the creations in the material plane. In the rare case, some beings manifested on their own.

Every day in Feywild equals a week on the Material Plane, this time catches up to any person traveling back to the Material Plane. If one spends too much time on Feywild, moving back to Eberron might suddenly kill the person of old age.