The Toadsquat Mountains, or the Little Mountains, formed the northern border of Luiren in the Shining South in 1367 DR.

This mountain range was infested with ogres. Attracted by the mountain's rich silver deposits, dwarves helped clear some of the ogre tribes in the east to gain access to mines. The western Toadsquats were known to be full of goblins that harried the trade roads around Delzimmer. Rage drakes were also commonly found as far south as the Toadsquats. Criosphinxes were also sometimes encountered in the region.

The Toadsquat Mountains were slumped alongside the Beastlands' southern shore. Among their secrets, the fortress of Castle Al'hanar, which resided on the west bank of Blood Lake.

The Toadsquat Mountains used to be known as a range of short mountains, home to many goblins and ogres. During the Spellplague, much of the mountain range was transferred to Abeir; only returning during the Second Sundering. Those few who have dared to visit the mountains since their return have spoken of the many strange monsters that now inhabit it, most notably the wyvern-riding tribe of hobgoblins who patrol the mountain passes.

Geography (Topography, Environment, Climate)

The Toadsquat Mountain range rises from the ground in grand domes, resembling squatting toads playing leap frog against the dusky sky. The soft, shapely slopes lead the eye inescapably to the brown stubby peaks formed from magma accumulated beneath the ground and swelling to the surface to form a dome when exposed by years of erosion. Throughout the range, the rock is limestone, shot through with veins of silver. The colors make the mountains stand out pertly, distinct despite the soft mist that nestled around them, cupping each geological protuberance.

The Toadsquat Mountains act as water towers, manipulating the weather to create rain from the Great Sea that supports the life in the Lluirwood in the shadow side of the range. This in turn forms streams, which channels into the river that flows into Azulduth, Lake of Salt. Without them, there would be less drinking water for the sprawling grasslands of the Beastlands. It is surrounded by a wide stone field full of tall pinnacles.

The Toadsquats has a wide range of temperatures that correlate with the distinctive seasons. Temperatures range from hot in the summer, with highs of 86F, to cold in the winter, with lows of 33F. Temperate forests receive abundant amounts of precipitation.

Ecology (Flora and Fauna)

Having Lluirwood's coastal temperate rainforest in it's shadow, the Toadsquats see some of the largest Red Cedar trees. There is also Sitka Spruce and Grand Fir and Broad Leaf Maple trees. The forest floor is primarily made up of dead and decaying forest parts. This decaying matter provides a rich nutrient base for new plants with the help of species like Banana Slugs, such as Sword Fern, Deer Fern, Salal and Evergreen Huckleberry to grow. It is common for herbs such as Blue bead lily, Indian cucumber, Wild Sarsaparilla to be foraged. Small, dense mosses resemble green carpets of vegetation. They thrive in moist areas, helping to prevent soil erosion and also serve as a source of insulation during colder months. Some more treacherous plant life, such as Assassin vines, disguise themselves amongst the benign. 

The area encourages a variety of ecosystems supporting animal life that has adapted to the misty conditions. Foragers scurry and scamper amongst the foliage such as: Raccoons, Squirrels, Rabbits, Skunks while larger mammals like Black-tailed Deer and Moose rustle in the branches. Thus attracting predators such as Snakes, Wolves, Cougars, Foxes, Black Bears and Bobcats. The canopy overhead provides many niches for Hummingbirds, Crows, Bald Eagles, Giant Owls and Bats. Various insects and spiders stabilize the biosystem and provide a feast for critters like Salamanders and Tree Frogs. This utopia of wildlife has drawn in exceptionally dangerous beasts such as Dire Apes, Dire Bears, Dire Tigers, Dire Wolves and Girallon.

Government (Politics, Laws, Order, Crime)

Society (Culture, Fashion, Religion, Education, Festivals, Holidays, Entertainment)

The Gold Dwarves of Underhome in the The Great Rift used to mine the Toadsquats, for precious metals and gems. The mines have been abandoned with the upheaval of the Spellplague ripping open the Underchasm, and then the subsequent Second Sundering, in favor of repairing Eartheart. Before the Spellplague, the Stout Folk had divided their time between extracting the silver and battling the Ogres that contest their living space. The fighting was getting worse, primarily because an Ogre Magi named Kalispar Onefang was organizing and inciting his followers toward more aggressive tactics against the Dwarves. With no Dwarven competition now, Kalispar has trained other Ogre Magi in Rune Magic in their attempts to subjugate the Dark Trees and their companion Dryads where the gentle slopes merge with Lleirwood. This showing of strength has attracted Hill Giants, Trolls and Ettins to the Onefang's cause of trying to become a Beast Lord.

This has caused the Goblinoid War Parties that have traditionally raided the surrounding areas to also seek more power in an arms race. M
ost notably Mantimera or Wyvern-riding Hobgoblin who patrols the mountain passes with Owlbear mounted Bugbear and Worg mounted Goblins. The source of their increased ferocity and organization is unknown.

Collectively both forces have pushed Athaches almost out of the area completely, for while they love to eat and collect gems and precious metals from the mine they fear Giants and other beings their own size, (though they harbor hatred for Hill Giants specifically).

During the Spellplague, much of the mountain range was transferred to Abeir; only returning during the Second Sundering. Those few who have dared to visit the mountains since their return have spoken of the many strange monsters that now inhabit it, especially near the old mines, such as Azer squads, Stone Giants and Darkenbeasts that come from them at night. No one has been inside, but it does appear that the mines are active once again.

Ghostwise Halfling Scout and Human Ranger band reports typical Dragon sightings to be Green, Fang and Song variety adults that hunt the herds of the plains while simultaneously avoiding the
Sharawood and Castle Al'hanar. Scouts that get too close to either are never heard from again. Castle Al'hanar seems to have attracted a significant amount of Undead in the area. Though a friendly Lammasu continues to give pure hearted adventurers and scouts a place of safe haven.

The Criosphinx that roost the pinnacles seem unbothered by the power plays occurring at all hours of the day and night, but from the sheer number spotted together there must be a Gynosphinx nearby that they are lusting after and pestering.

Relationships (Trade, Food and Drink, Transportation, Defenses)

A long-standing enmity exists between the sour-tempered ogres living in the mountains to the north and the halflings in the woods and plains below. Since the founding of Luiren, the two races have squabbled over territory, and the disputes are not likely to be settled anytime soon. The ogres used to swarm down out of the foothills and into the halfling villages on a regular basis, but in recent centuries, they have found the Small Folk to be more formidable foes, thanks in large part to the tireless efforts of the Marchwardens.

Legends (Rumors, Myths, Tall Tales)

The magical greatsword Chalsembyr's Heart was lost somewhere in the Toadsquat Mountains when its owner Bertold the Seeker, a paladin of Torm, and his party were ambushed by ogres.

It was rumored that a large cache of magic was buried or stored deep beneath the western Toadsquats, particularly beneath the peaks known as Klauntra's Leap, the Wyrmlar, and Liontlefang. An alchemist from Klionna, living in Delzimmer circa the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, named Urngath Dorrund apparently believed this rumor enough to pay mercenaries to round up goblins from the area, thinking their blood had magical properties because they drank from mountain springs that welled up through this store of magic.

Silver Automatons. The Toadsquat Mountains used to be known for their abundance of silver mines. Since the mountains' return, though, those brave few dwarves who have visited the mines of old have found them repurposed. Beneath the mountains are a series of interconnecting caverns, which are inhabited by seemingly sentient silver constructs. Rumors abound of what manner of creature created them and for what purpose.