Hand of Myrkul

Shrines to Myrkul or engravings of his holy symbol appear in many places where humans bury their dead, but full-fledged temples are rare.

The few that exist are hallowed places where the dead from hundreds of miles around are brought for internment, even if they were not of Myrkul's faith. There is little space set aside for the living in such a location, usually a single modest shrine, but its catacombs and ossuaries are vast. In the deepest chamber of each temple rests a throne, and upon that throne sits the Doomwarden — the preserved corpse of the most revered saint in the history of the temple, (often its founder). Our Initiates to the faith are brought to kneel before a temple's Doomwarden, where they must spend a night and a day fasting and meditating in complete darkness.

Undead Masters each run a temple and the priests of varying ranks in attendance. Most importantly they must ensure that any deemed responsible for inflicting injury or death upon a priest of Myrkul must suffer the most painful of deaths, and then ensure news of that death is spread far and wide so that all can see what happens to those who transgress against Myrkul. If this death involves being devoured alive by undead infestations relocated from other areas, then all the better.