
The Witches test all children at a young age - less than ten years old - for aptitude in magic. The Witches are not cruel or secretive; the families know what is to become of their child and that she will become a person of power and influence. The family is always compensated, usually with live-stock, tools, or an orphaned child of similar age.

Both boys and girls train. The girls are taught the deep tenets of Rashemen's religion in preparation for becoming Hathrans, while the boys study only arcane magic. Upon reaching adulthood (age twenty in Rashemen), girls are normally ordained as Ethrans, (Clerics or Sorcerers that accompany Hathrans or Othlors). Some choose to return to their home villages as practicing mages or healers, but they are always potential recruits for a Hathran in need. The boys are given a choice when they reach adulthood: Join the "Old Ones", leave Rashemen forever under a geas to never reveal their secrets or die.