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The Aces was once working under the authority of an individual who only referred to them as Smiles.  Smiles controlled and ordered The Aces to complete tasks anywhere from stealing to kidnapping. Eventually, their captain Heartless had had enough and defected the crew from their control. Smiles did not like this however, deemed that it was not worth their time to go after them. They did keep tabs on each other and if one were to mingle in the other's business, consequences would ensue.

The Aces has a few rivals, one of them being The Hourglass Pirates. The Hourglass Pirates were another one of the pirate crews working for Smiles. During an encounter after rescuing individuals, one of the rescues were taken by The Hourglass Pirates. Select members of The Aces went after to retrieve Ryver who was being held captive at a base. In a head on battle, The Aces were victorious and reclaimed Ryver back to their ship. After that encounter The Hourglass Pirates were deemed dead and were no longer seen on the seas. 

Now that The Aces were free from Smiles' control, they were able to try and make up for the damages that they have done. In doing so, the Captain has become a privateer. What this meant was that the crew and their ship would often be hired on to complete tasks and missions from Nobles, Royalty, and other notable figures without causing a war between countries. So far, the tasks include recovering sunken supplies, securing trade routes, and rescue missions. 

The Story

After the final battle with The Hourglass Pirates, and retrieving Ryver, the elite members found themselves in a heated conversation between their Captain and two other individuals. Those individuals were revealed to be Tragedonna and Comedina. They threatened Heartless and gave him a warning to refrain from interfering in their affairs again. The two left and the ship set sail to their new course.

Prior to the events of Ryver being kidnapped, Heartless had spoke to an informant. This informant had given him and his crew an assigned task. This was to sail to Divelinson and escort Diana Voxville and her hired team for an expedition. During their travels they began to notice that Ryver seemed to be more outgoing than before. Although still mute, he was active with the crew and followed Heartless' orders. 

They met up with the princess along with Gaius, Gidget, Edmund, Reno and Winston Constantine. Ryver was the first to be introduced to them and pulled them aboard the ship to meet Temple, Natsuru, and Deino Jormun

The crew conversed with the temporary members as they had come to learn that they would be working side by side with one another during the trip. The following day, after that had raised their anchor and set the course. Partway through their travels they were attacked by a group of sirens causing Ryver to act strangely.