Tirismálos is Pauviel's primary military force, answering directly to The High Court of Pauviel. The army is largely made up of elves who volunteer service to their country. Each new cadet goes through rigorous training and is highly disciplined; though their numbers are much fewer than might be expected for a country of Pauviel's size, Tirismálos is a force to be reckoned with.

As well as the military camps in Pauviel itself, Tirismálos have a barracks in Theder, to help The Theder National Guard in driving monsters from The Barrier Mountains.


The military ranks of Pauviel from least to most senior are:

  • Initiate: the initiate rank, mostly foot soldiers.
  • Private: an Initiate who has passed basic training.
  • Corporal: is responsible for the training and discipline of a Sergeant's Squadron.
  • Sergeant: commands a Squadron of one Corporal and 5–10 Privates or Initiates.
  • Lieutenant: commands a Platoon of 2 Squadrons (10–15 soldiers).
  • Captain: commands a Company of 2 Platoons (10–30 soldiers).
  • Commander: commands a Regiment of 3 Companies (30–100 soldiers).
  • Brigade General: commands a Brigade of 3 Regiments (100–300 soldiers).
  • Division General: commands a Division of 2 Brigades (200–600 soldiers).
  • General: commands all of the Division Generals and their divisions, and answers directly to the High Court.


Tirismálos is made up of roughly 8,000 troops (0.8% of the country's population) split across 20 divisions. Each division is numbered, but also bears the symbol of an animal to identify their division.

Army Divisions

  • 16th Division (The Shark): 500 troops deployed around the coast
  • 17th Division (The Crab): 500 troops deployed around the coast
  • 18th Division (The Porpoise): 500 troops deployed around the coast
  • 19th Division (The Flying Fish): 500 troops deployed around the coast
  • 20th Division (The Orca): 500 troops deployed around the coast


The uniform of Tirismálos is simple yet elegant. All soldiers wear moss green tunics and armour is either burnished silver plate or hardened leather, depending on their area of expertise. The emblem of The High Court of Pauviel – a stag's head on a simple green shield – adorns the chest, alongside the soldier's division symbol. Helmets are worn by most, but these are light and unrestrictive.

All characters that are members of this organization.