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  1. Objects

Stich's magischer Pocketshop


This miniature house fits in a pocket is decorated by small ornaments and trinkets. It's contents never fall out and it seems to be impervious to any attempts to destroy it.

Aura strong conjuration, illusion, transmutation; CL 20th; Slot slotless; Price unbezahlbar; Weight 1/8 lbs.


Stitch's Special Shop is a Fine sized house which easily fits into the palm of a hand. When in this state it's just an ordinary woodcraft.

Attempting to detect the magic around Stitch's Special Shop requires a Caster Level Check with a DC of 40. It's indestructable by normal means and only nearly divine creatures can damage it to a small degree.

If Stitch's Special Shop is placed on the ground by someone who it was willingly entrusted, it grows to it's original size of a Small sized house. Upon entering, one is instantly transported into the shop of Stitch. Upon leaving the shop, one arrives where they first entered into Stitch's Special Shop. If willing, Stitch's Special Shop then shrinks back into it's Fine size. Stitch's Special Shop is invisible and permeably to all who have not been entrusted the knowledge of Stitch's Special Shop by the owner .

Upon entering Combat, Stitch's Special Shop instantly returns back to it's Fine size. Stitch's Special Shop can only open it's way in combat if the holder of the item is not threatened or targeted (even willingly and by area of affects) and doesn't participate in combat either for 3 consecutive rounds. For the purpose of this item, healing counts as participating while running away does not.


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