1. Locations

Ragged Coast



• Narrow fjords

• Settlements built on rocky shores

• Trade ships flying colorful sails

• Shipbuilders hammering at wooden hulls

• Raiders sounding the drums of war

• Schools of orca gliding through the waves

• Monstrous serpents rising from unfathomable depths


This coast is marked by massive fjords. It is a rugged land of snow-capped cliffs overlooking blue waters.

Ironlander settlements are located at the head of the fjords in the shelter of narrow valleys. From there, both fisher-folk and raiders set sail. Their kin gather to see them off, laying wreaths of spruce in their wake.

In the center of each settlement, at the front of the longhouse, a stack of runemarked river stones memorialize those who did not return—one stone for each of the lost. 

Associated Foes

• Leviathans

• Tawny wyverns

• Atanya