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Other Names

Bard's Dream


Very common


A reedy plant with upturned bell flowers in various shades of orange, found in wetter areas throughout the Ironlands. Bears small yellow peppers in the fall.


A favorite hiding place for young trogs.

May cause night terrors or sleep paralysis if taken with alcohol.


Frequent medicinal use has been linked to the degradation of one's mental ability to prioritize tasks and carry them to completion. This can sometimes be mitigated with Falsewater spores.

Medicinal Uses

The nectar can be used to improve one's general quality and restfulness of sleep, though it has no effect on any other aspects.

Culinary Uses

The peppers are edible but painfully spicy if the seeds are not removed prior to consumption.

Practical Uses


Other Uses

Can be used to represent the unexpected in floral arrangements.

Rumored to enhance the abilities of bards and other performers.

If dried, the reeds produce a sharp sound upon breakage remarkably similar to the snapping of bones.

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An aspiring cheesemaker who sold her wares in Pearce's store. She's a bit of a ditz, struggles to keep secrets, and has a horrendous taste in men. Her family's farm specializes in gourds and melons, and during harvest time she's typically tasked with passing them out to townsfolk-- hence the nickname, despite it having nothing to do with her profession. 

Member of the jury for Togan's trial.

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A decently large circle, reputed for its mushroom farming, situated in a large hill at the border of the Hinterlands and Havens. The natural cave system within and beneath the hill forms the majority of the circle, but a few live aboveground, and much of the cave system is still uninhabited and mostly unexplored for safety reasons.

Around twenty-five years ago, a missing children case that jumped from one apparent victim to five caused no small amount of chaos, requiring intervention by a few passing Ironsworn. Though the infighting eased enough for the circle to stay intact, the children remained missing for months. Finally they were found in a deep cave with little air, all laid out beside each other with care, their bodies preserved in grave wax. While other injuries would be hard to discern, each body appeared to have had its heart methodically removed.

Blame for the incident has passed from one Labhinn family to another, to merrows, to a powerful sea witch, to even those Ironsworn who had stopped to help. But no consensus was ever reached, and the general air of distrust lingers.

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