On the eastern frontier with Aundair, Varna is the only settlement of significant size in the Reaches—this land’s commercial center and gateway to the rest of the world. Reacher merchants congregate here to buy and sell livestock and to trade finished goods for the Reaches’ bountiful harvests.

All the dragon marked houses maintain a presence in the town, even as they look for ways to expand their influence in the Reaches. At the same time, Varna has become home to the excesses of all larger centers, particularly a thriving black market where poachers and trappers smuggle rare plants and animals into Aundair and beyond.

The largest city in the Reaches serves as the gateway for commerce with the world beyond. Reacher merchants come from far and wide to sell their goods in the markets of Varna. All the dragonmarked houses have outposts in Varna, but as the ancestral seat of House Vadalis it houses their largest enclave.