Loose Threads: City in the Sky proper investigation, Hydras roaming Cesil’s Folly.

Participants: Blight, Guhdhag, Sven Packer Von Lambeau, Hecret, Delcan Bray

Locations: Watchers' Tribe Village, Watchers' Holy LandsDesert of Rydess, Cecil's Folly, west of the Oasis

Full report:

The Troupe gathered in the Circus tent to marvel at the wonder of the City in the Sky, revealed right after the invasion of the Shadow Plane denizens. The party set out to investigate and after passing the Watchers' Village ran into burrowing bugs that put up quite a fight, and had killed many travelers. After slaying the beasts the party continued west until they were underneath the massive thing in the middle of the Desert. There appeared to be no entrance nearby for the city nor any buildings or structures related to this city.

Soon, a dark, winged creature shadowed the party, an Unknown Dragon, flesh sloughing off its skin, and it was not friendly. After an immense and utterly insane battle where death was close, the party triumphed (with a little aid of certain celestial body that will not be named, winky face). The Dragon was at once Blue and contained the remains of a Unknown Inventor who was in the middle of being digested. The party discussed taking this news to Rydess, but she would have more likely eaten the party as well, so they went south, far, far, from the accursed city in the sky, to Cecil's Folly.

There, after an initial foray discovered a woman, a Shelynite stuck under a tree(?). After “rescuing her”, she led the party to a lake that was filled with Hydras. Two of them, ten heads of pure madness and violence. The party managed to slay her, but the Hydras proved too fearsome, so the party barely recalled with their lives. Lots of loot in hand, but Hydras are still prowling Cesils Folly. 

Some notes:

To access the city, you will need some flying, and it  is likely filled with Undead to the brim. A necropolis of sorts. 

Monsters / Demons have been impersonating First Landing members. Proper measures should be taken to clear the identities of anyone outside of First Landing. Pass codes perhaps?