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Wanderers in Somnia

"The first collab campaign undertaken in a time of plague to bring scattered friends old and new together. Virtually.

Also, nonsense and likely undead bunnies." - Dan


"Early in the morning of Rones 11th, 2422 EC, on the floating trade-city of The Drift, a magical summons was delivered to several passing travelers. The summons requested that they attend a meeting about a job opportunity while enjoying some local festivities. The celebration was known as the Halcyon Days, and would begin with the new Asgorath Moon that night, running through the night of the 14th with Selune's full moon. The location of the meeting would be The Calm Before the Storm Tavern in the Iniron District. The mysterious patron and the job were not revealed, but it was promised to be worth their time..."

Created 4 years ago. Last modified 2 months ago