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  1. Locations

Tower of the Archonon


The Tower of the Archonon is actually home to both the Archonon and The Council of the Ungrateful. 

This is the least populated tower in the citadel and like the others access to it is tightly controlled. The ground floor is one giant elaborate entrance, its digital displays, garish illuminated colours and curling artificial walls are completely disorientating for most people used to the hues of nature and low tech living. The energy, the lights, the technology are a dizzying display of power. 


The lower floors are home to the domestic quarters of the towers practical and administrative staff. These rooms are functional and belong to officers of the low status from both orders but they are just as bright, colourful and stylistically unique as the entrance on the ground floor. It is a privilege to live in such a place, especially for those of a lower status. It is said to have a dream-like effect on the people living their or a heightened state of reality. 


The rooms belonging to the Council of the Ungrateful (named after the fact that Kondo was deemed 'ungrateful' for disagreeing with his king) and their senior staff are on the floors above the servants quarters. These rooms, in the same colorful style of the others are much grander than the servants rooms below. They are larger and more luxuriously furnished. The corridors leading off to the private chambers have grand colums and some quarters have their own private elevator giving them direct access to their rooms. 


Then there is the Council of the Ungrateful's council chambers. This vast imposing room, has four green chairs in front of a large shrine to the Bond, directly behind them. There is one seat for each member of the council. It is from here that the council makes its formal rulings, there is only one higher authority in the society - the Archonon. 


Finally, at the very top of the tower is the living quarters of the Archonon, the leader and supreme authority in The Society of the Bond. Stretched across several floors it also houses his domestic staff. The current Archonon Guston Ralfan has redecorated the Seat of the Archonon - this is the room from which he conducts the affairs of the society and in terms of power it is second only to the throne. The seat itself now stands at the top of a vast flight of illuminated stairs, back lit by a tall electronic display screen.