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Other Names

Merrow's Leaf


Fairly common


A bushy plant found in brackish waters, especially in semi-lit caves. Its numerous smooth leaves grow in a distinctive pattern, with periodic clusters of small green berries between them.


Can halt the progression of Dryreach toxicity.


The leaves are toxic if consumed, causing ulcerations and, in high enough quantities, hemophilia. The effects subside once the toxin is purged.

Medicinal Uses

Its berries can be used topically for some skin conditions, mostly cosmetic ones. 

Culinary Uses

Its berries have a pleasant flavor and are popular in Ragged Coast recipes, though their strong astringency has to be overcome.

Practical Uses


Other Uses

When used as fuel for a scrying fire, enhances the ritualist’s ability to scry subjects they find attractive.

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A stern but well-respected wyvern hunter who's been voted ranger of Wyvern's Bane for a few years in a row. His tendency towards overcaution frustrates less experienced hunters, but while he may not set any records, his hunting party always secures enough wyvern bone for them to live lavishly through the off-season. No one knows much about what he does during the off-season, though-- he's notoriously tight-lipped about his personal life, though he seems to be suspiciously well-trained as a musician.

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 Vast fields of broken ice

• Discomforting stillness

• Deep crevasses, plunging into darkness

• Piercing cold

• Unnatural horrors breaking through the ice


To the north of the Veiled Mountains lies the Shattered Wastes, a plain of jagged, broken ice. 

No one knows the bounds of this land or what lies beyond. No Ironlanders dwell here, and only a handful have explored the passage into the Wastes through the Veils. Those who survived the journey returned with stories of unimaginable cold and things moving beneath the ice.

Associated Foes

• Atanya

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