Kanka was born out of a frustration with worldbuilding and session notes scattered around in various tools, and the difficulty of easily sharing that content with players. Today, Kanka is a small group of friends spread around the world focused on building the best tools for those original needs.
Founder & Lead developer
Co-Founder & Business manager
Web developer
Security 🐶
Community has and always will be big part of Kanka's DNA. We frequently survey our users for changes to features, designs, and incorporate feedback into every big decision. Our community is what drives us to endlessly improve Kanka.
Kanka was first created in October 2017 by Jay as a hobby project over a weekend, and work seriously began in 2020 when Jon joined.
Jay starts working on Kanka
1,000+ account created
Launch of the Discord
Jon joins Kanka
Jay & Jon quit their jobs to work full time on Kanka
Launch of the Marketplace
Owlchester SNC is founded
Launch of Kanka v1.0
100,000th account created
Itzamná joins as our first hire
Kanka casually takes over the world
Kanka is translated to several languages thanks to these amazing contributors.