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Expedition 24 - Ashers Account

Just when I get ma feet under me in some town or another these adventurers start rantin and ravin about “heavy foot soldiers'' and “archers” and “defenses for the keep.” You ask me, the only mercenary you can trust is one you are able to throw off a parapet but we leave with a tow of armsmen all the same. Luckily enough the party starts whisperin about somethin more my speed soon enough, stopping at some caves of chaos for a little cash run. 

When we get to the valley of a thousand smokes that Rarder fella seems familiar with a few of em and leads us to one of the narrow caves. The place reeked like high heaven but seemed empty enough, signs of old life and ancient decor lay strewn around but not a sign of these alleged “furry handed creatures.” I proved my worth soon enough though when I disarmed some boulder trap behind a door. Strange thing about abandoned caves like these, no one abandoned the traps. I wonder if those bastards laugh drunk some nights thinking of what adventurer their little present left behind claimed? Whelp It didn't claim Domo!

Soon enough as we headed out we heard a sound of some wheelin and a damn ogre ram came barreling down the hallway shattering our front rank. Lucky stuff that Rarder and Alf were so damn stalwart, but the same sadly couldn't be said about the old hound. Deciding discretion was the better part of valor we torched their ram and ran.

Not far across the valley we found a smoking cave with more lively sounds inside. Within we found all manner of craven creatures I swear were made of clay. They feathered all the same though, and after I put an arrow in a few they threw down their weapons and surrendered. I stayed with the prisoners while Rarder, and that cleric I traveled with went off to force their leader into submission. Sadly however that cleric never came back, Rarder however came back with the most curious shield. One thats transparent when you look through the thing. Shields like that god the cogs in Ashers head turning, the trap disarming, lock picking, orc bluffing cogs. So I ventured to mount that thing off the front of a bow like some madman.