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  1. Journals

Expedition 19b - Alfredward's Account

Treatise on platefighting

In these perilous times, one is likely to find themselves face to face with a foe who has risen from death. Often, all it takes to bring them low is a swift blow from a war hammer, or a well aimed slash of a blade.

However, we are not all so lucky as to be ready for a fight at any time. Moreover, simple weapons are largely inaffective against many of these undead beasts, and silver or magical weapons must instead be used.

Thus, through experience and study, I have come to the conclusion that training with silverware will prove both effective and invaluable when next assailed by an unsavoury ghost or ghoul.

1. Laminas has
This manoeuvre is tried and tested. Simply swing the silver plate above your head, holding it with both hands and bring it down upon your opponent’s head. An effective blow will force the opponent to crumple, and potentially smash or destroy your culinary weapon.

2. Laminas vulnus
If a Laminas has is not possible, one may attempt a simple vulnus manoeuvre. Duck beneath an oncoming blow, and slash across the belly of your opponent. This is unlikely to kill your attacker, but a good slash from silver crockery should force them backwards, giving you and your allies a moment of respite.

This is an emerging school of combat, and as such this research is the result of only a few weeks of study. Thankfully, I recently managed to put these manoeuvres into practice, but I am sure they will be further refined.
