Jalaine ir’Thavar (NG human aristocrat 2/ expert 1) is the granddaughter of Traven ir’Thavar. Her father spent his wealth in establishing Dannel’s Pride, and Jalaine shares her family’s home with two dozen refugees. Even though she no longer has gold, she shares her grandfather’s love of Cyre and is always searching for peaceful solutions to the problems of the refugees.

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As you pass beneath the great arch, covered in flowering creepers, and enter Respite, you are surrounded by the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

Here the ruins, plant life, and new buildings seem harmonious, one flowing into the next. Even the floating rubble—fragments of long-forgotten majesties—play their part, covered in blooming plants and small trees.

Because of its many majestic ruins and large amount of floating rubble, sages believe Respite was the wealthiest part of the ancient city. They know it was later the seat of power for giant chieftains and pirate lords. These past glories now exist only as monuments and graveyards: the tombs of pirate captains, the mausoleums of giants, the wreckage of old thrones. Today the ward is devoted to healing and funerary rites.

For adventurers and explorers, Respite is a place where they can recover their strength and equip themselves, and the ancient tombs beckon, elaborately warded but rich with treasure. Sometimes subsidence destroys one tomb but reveals another, and old dangers emerge into the realm of the living.

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