The Bloodbraid clan lives in the northeren reaches of The Savage Lands.

The clan has a large settlement close to the ruby obelisk (28 on Deskal Adventure Map) Their brutal surroundings have impacted their way of living in many ways, and they are feared by everyone in the surrounding areas.

Their core values are might makes right, there is no law or order in their society, they are brutal and savage and live from what they can forcefully take from other people.

The number of individuals in the clan stays somewhat stable due to their numbers being adjusted naturally through their lifestyle.

They also believe they are the only people with the right to access the ruby obelisk.

Few people have successfully negotiated, traded or in any way interacted with them without being pillaged or slain and their possessions taken.

A common saying to people who wish to interact with the clan is:

"You better have something they really want, and the power to not have them simply take it from you."

Kresh the Bloodbraided is the warchief of the clan, and has been so since he was just 17.